New beginnings

I’ve been blogging since January 2011 on a Typepad site under the name Sweetie Pie.  It’s been a rewarding journey through baking, cooking, recipes and ingredients.  Thank you to everyone who has followed along.

I have not figured out/been brave enough to try to move the blog to a new location, so I’m just starting from here.  I have over 6 years of posts and lots of recipes on Sweetie Pie, so please click through and check it out. 

Moving forward, the focus will remain on food and I’m sure I’ll have lots of baking recipes because that’s what I love.  However, I’d like to include some posts about healthy living and information about diet, exercise and maybe even yoga.

I believe that anything you make or bake at home is healthier, more nutritious and more delicious than anything you can buy ready-made.  We can control the quality of the ingredients and adjust the amounts of sugar, salt and fat.

Baking and cooking at home brings more than just good food to your house – time in the kitchen brings friends and it brings LOVE.

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